Saturday, April 12, 2008

Apples & Cream

Applewood-smoked potato puree, spinach, porc au poivre. The pork loin chops were prepared in the manner of Alton Brown's steak au poivre, with the chops taking the place of the steaks, and Calvados instead of Cognac.
The potatoes were first peeled and cut into eighths, then boiled in salted water until tender. They were then placed in a stovetop smoker with applewood chips. I smoked them for about 25 minutes, then used a ricer. Next I worked in warm cream and butter while working the potatoes over with a stick blender until proper consistency was achieved.
This was also the first time I flambeed. Usually I substitute apple juice for Calvados, but I thought I'd try something more adventurous. I say that because I have a small apartment kitchen where the possibility of unintentional damage is high since the microwave is mounted a scant 18 inches above the stovetop. I lit the brandy using a match held in a pair of tongs, and was glad that I didn't try to hold the match in my hand, as that would have ended badly. As it was, I think I let the alcohol burn too long and should try to swirl the fire out earlier next time.
After all that, the flavors were good, the pepper and smoke played really well together, though such strong tastes run the risk of blowing the palate out. A peach sorbet would have been a nice way to end.

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